After a Reiki attunement, there is a twenty-one day period in which your bodies, both physical and energetic, will become acclimatised to the new energy you are working with.
The physical body has spent years gradually stiffening, collecting blocks, and storing toxins that it wasn't able to eliminate right away. As Reiki runs in your body, it will start releasing some of these blocks. As body cells vibrate at a faster rate, they will expel some of the toxins they have stored. As muscle cells vibrate faster, they will loosen and allow circulation into places it has bypassed for some time. All of this puts new demands on the body's systems of balance.
The cleansing process can take the form of increased elimination: through the bowels, which may loosen, or through mucus, which may increase in the nasal passages, or through the skin, where you may sweat more or slough off more cells. You may feel ungrounded or fuzzy headed occasionally as toxins are expelled into your blood to be removed. Realise that these processes are natural and temporary and that they herald a new level of wellness.
During this time you may also experience detoxication on mental and emotional levels. You may have memories come up to be dealt with and released. You may feel hyperemotional, with mood swings and a return of emotions you thought you had dealt with years ago. Again, this is a natural part of healing. It is like your healing has gone into an accelerated mode for three weeks.
Try to meet what comes with openness and acceptance; you will be healthier in the long run. You will benefit from keeping a journal during this process. It can be very healing to open to your inner wisdom and then let your inner three year old have a tantrum on paper! Observe your emotions with detached compassion and you will learn a lot about yourself and be able to let it go.
You can do a lot of healing while you sleep; your dreams will have a lot to teach you at this time. Consider leaving a notebook by your bed each night and suggesting to yourself that you will remember your dreams. Over the three weeks, you will find your memory of your dreams will improve, and you will have a new and powerful tool on your healing journey.
Some sources suggest that during this time, adjustments cycle through the chakras three times, starting at the root and working up. So you might find that on the seventh day from the attunement, your crown is open wide and you feel a bit ungrounded. Be extra careful with your grounding at this time.
Take very good care of yourself on all levels. Try to eat a healthy diet of mostly grains, fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water to help flush your body out. Consider filtering your water or obtaining spring water to avoid giving your body more toxins to deal with. If possible, avoid non-essential medications, drugs, and alcohol.
Try to extricate yourself from contentious situations and spend some time each day in meditation or quiet, peaceful contemplation. Treat yourself to hot, good smelling baths; not only are they nurturing, but they will help you sweat out the toxins. Don't hold onto any disturbing emotions; try to deal with them and let them go. Continue and maybe turn up the volume on your usual spiritual practice. Feed your soul with beauty: listen to music, engage in any creative hobbies you enjoy, and try to spend some time each day in the healing beauty of nature.
And now you have Reiki to help you through the process. Make a point of giving yourself Reiki daily. If you can't manage a full hour-long session each day, do what you can; I suggest that you put your hands on your body as you fall asleep, asking that the energy will work with you as you sleep. Get plenty of rest and drink a lot of plain water.
Indulge your inner children a bit. Fun and laughter are among the best medicines!