Learning Reiki


In exceptional cases involving some gifted and unusual people, I have seen people access the Reiki energy by praying for it or asking their Guides or Deity to help them acquire the gift. Many people have a gift for running healing energy similar to Reiki, putting their hands on those who need healing and letting the energy flow; I embrace them as healing brethren and welcome them to read as much here as they can to increase their knowledge of hands-on healing. However, most people who want to use the Reiki for hands-on healing need to be attuned.

One of the beauties of Reiki is that you don't need to have an exceptional gift or be a saint or enlightened being to open to it and use it. You can be attuned to Reiki and use it whether or not you smoke, drink, eat red meat , swear, or enjoy a healthy sex life. Children can be attuned to Reiki. I have even attuned a seeing-eye dog to Reiki. Receiving Reiki can help anyone do the healing s/he needs to do in order to progress along his/her spiritual path. Well I know that even Reiki Masters can have a lot of growing left to do!

So after you have read what I have to say on this site, checked out some of the other Reiki sites we link to, and perhaps even read one or two of the suggested books, and have decided, "Yes, I want to do this," the next step is to find a Master to study with.

Some of the Reiki sites on the net have lists of Masters with their email addresses. You may find that a Master in your area has a site on the net. You can go to the metaphysical bookstores in your area and ask about Reiki Masters. In my city, there are two magazines that have classified ads for metaphysical services. You can write to Reiki people you meet on the net to ask about Masters in your area. If you can find two or three names, even better.
Then you interview these people. It is very important to feel comfortable with your teacher and to know that the two of you communicate well with each other; by this I mean that if you ask a question, you get an answer to that question that you understand. Some of the nicest people in the world can be on two different wavelengths, and it would be hopeless for them to try to work as student and teacher.