They would wonder at the footprints that appeared quickly from nowhere and vanished again just as fast. Immediately, the questions would begin. Could it have been God who made those footprints? If so, which God was it? Is he trying to tell the world something?
All of the different interpretations of this would probably start a totally new religion. Scientists and religious leaders would be working together to find the explanation for those footprints. The scientists would run tests and the religious leaders would pray for an answer.
This is an example of the quantum puzzle evident today. The difference is rather than imagining a three dimensional world, people are having trouble with believing in a four dimensional one. To make things even more confusing, the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking has suggested that there are at least eleven dimensions.
The truth is no one knows what reality actually is because the whole picture cannot be seen. Because people only have the mental capacity to see three dimensions, it’s not possible to see the hundreds of dimensions that might be around. Quantum Theory talks about the Universe’s holographic nature. Science is only starting to figure that one out. However, the implications of this new science can’t be ignored any longer. In addition, it may help others to understand how the science of Reiki works.
Everyone who has experienced Reiki energy doesn’t need an explanation of how it exists. Reiki teachers, practitioners, and healers all have their own individual ways of connecting to Reiki energies depending on what methods they studied. There’s no right or wrong way to connect to it. However, many have witnessed its existence.
A simple scientific explanation for the people that need one is that Reiki energy lives in a dimension that most people cannot perceive directly. Whether that dimension is the fourth one or even beyond that is something that may never be known. However, the fact is that this energy simply is.
Find out more about the ancient art of Reiki, how one can become a Reiki master and how you can use benefit from a Reiki healing.